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Donor Advised Fund

Are you looking for an easy, cost-effective way to support Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation? A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, may be the right choice for you.

Here's how it works. Through a written agreement you transfer cash or other assets to a tax-exempt sponsoring organization such as a community foundation. Most will require a minimum gift to open the fund, however, additional contributions may be less. You can make contributions as often as you choose.  The contributions are then invested for you by the sponsoring organization.  You make recommendations that various amounts be distributed to the organization of your choice, such as the Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation.

You qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction at the time you contribute to the account, and the power to make recommendations on which charities to support whenever you want. You centralize your giving and record-keeping in one location. And maybe best of all, you can start a legacy of giving by letting your children help decide which giving to recommend.

Here is a Scenario

Joe and Liz Henry want to give back to their hometown by putting their money where it will do the most good. They establish a $25,000 donor advised fund with a community foundation. The couple receives a federal income tax charitable deduction for the amount of the gift. They also get all the time they need to decide which charities to support. After researching community needs with the foundation's staff, Joe and Liz recommend grants for Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation (which they've supported for years) and the Animal Shelter. The community presents the Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation with checks from the Henry Fund, which Joe named in honor of his grandson. Joe and Liz are delighted to start this personal legacy of giving.

How to Fund It

Create a donor advised fund with one of the following assets:

  • Cash
  • Appreciated Securities
  • Retirement Plan Assets
  • Tangible Personal Property
  • Real Estate

Next Steps

  • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
  • Contact Nancy Broadhurst at (337) 571-0081 or to discuss endowed gifts.
  • If you include Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation in your plans, please use our legal name and Federal Tax ID.

Legal Name: Ochsner Lafayette General Foundation
Address: 920 W. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette LA 70503
Federal Tax ID Number: 37-1766778
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The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.