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This week's guest columnist is Jennie Zheng, M.D., a family practice resident at the Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics here in Lafayette. “My baby has funny-looking eyes!” exclaimed the mother. Sure enough, her eyes were crossed. A minute…
My oldest daughter is an Air Traffic Controller (ATC). No, those aren't the guys with orange wands who guide planes to the gate. These are professionals who sit at radar scopes and instruct aircraft on what altitude and direction to fly to avoid…
This week's guest columnist is Jason Adekoya, MD, a family practice resident at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics. Like many children, I was told that handling toads caused warts. I still enjoyed playing with my hopping friends, but I'd check…
Even before the fateful Apollo 13 mission, Houston already had a problem. Astronaut Ken Mattingly was exposed to highly contagious rubella. The disease’s time frame might have him incapacitated with illness when his crewmates would be down on the…
This week's guest columnist is Bradley Ber, MD, family practice resident at the Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics. Spring has come early, tricking flowers and trees into bloom. The coulee creatures are coming out as well. I killed my first…
Lafayette, La. – The Ochsner Lafayette General Bariatric Department invites the community to “March 4 a Healthier You” this Saturday, March 4, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Moncus Park.  The event is a family-friendly walk celebrating health and…
February is Black History Month. It's also the American Heart Association's Heart Month, where everyone is encouraged to learn CPR. The two observances converge in the book American Sirens by Kevin Hazzard, which tells of the first paramedic company…
This week's guest columnist is Cynthia Kudji-Sylvester, MD, a family practice resident at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics. Many moms are frightened by coughs that sound “different.” Once when my daughter was coughing, she balled up her…
Hustling into church last Sunday, the usher's eyebrows went up. He whispered jokingly, “you're late!” I whispered back, “My New Year's Resolution is to eat more, exercise less, and be late for more stuff!” Breaking bad habits and starting good ones…
This week's guests are Lisa Nguyen, MD, and Chris Johnson, MD, family practice residents at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics. Battle after battle, deciphering riddles to find the next location, the hero finally enters the last dungeon. He…
When I need a cavity filled and get that lidocaine shot in the mouth, I break out in a sweat and get faint, nauseated and pale. It's purely in my head, not a medication reaction, ever since anatomy class in medical school. It's something about that…
This week's guest columnist is Rachel Jacobs, MD, a family practice resident at Ochsner University Hospital & Clinics. Excited and full of candy, my brother and I skipped out of the movie theater, reliving our favorite parts. That “reliving”…