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For Expected Natural Deliveries

Waiting Room

If you are in labor when you come to the hospital, it is not necessary to stop at the admit desk. Come directly to The Birthplace on the second floor through our Pavilion lobby, right next to the main lobby.

The staff of Labor & Delivery, in consultation with your doctor, will determine if you will be admitted or observed for labor or testing.

Please note: based on the extent of your verified insurance coverage, you will be asked to pay a deposit to cover the uninsured portion of your account.

Ochsner Lafayette General strongly encourages mothers to deliver full-term, 39 weeks, unless otherwise medically necessary. In a campaign called the 39-week initiative, Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center is unsurpassed in America when it comes to delivering babies at full term – a much healthier option for baby.

For Planned Inductions

Your physician will let you know what time to be at the hospital, we suggest arriving a few minutes early. Check in at Labor & Delivery and our staff will complete your information.

Afterwards, a nurse will review the induction process, fit the fetal monitor, start an IV and administer the labor-starting medication. Once labor begins, the childbirth process begins.

For Planned Cesarean Sections

Your physician will let you know what time to be at the hospital; it is usually an hour or two before your surgery actually starts. Check in at Labor & Delivery and our staff will complete your information.

Other preparations include:

  • Inserting an intravenous line (IV)
  • Placing a catheter (tube) in your bladder
  • Delivering the epidural, done by your anesthesiologist
  • Monitoring your baby’s heartbeat