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Ochsner Lafayette General offers a skilled nursing facility and rehabilitation program at Ochsner St. Martin Hospital and Ochsner Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital with 24-hour / 7-day care focused on restoring health and independence to patients who are ready for discharge, but need a little extra care. Staffed with experienced RNs, physical therapists, speech therapists and occupational therapists, the Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Program aims to improve patients’ functionality or medical condition before they return home.

Serving communities across South Louisiana, these nursing services are designed to offer medical and/or necessary comprehensive rehabilitation to patients whose needs cannot be met in an “inpatient hospital rehabilitation program,” or in the home setting.

What sets us apart from most skilled nursing facilities is that our physician hospitalists provide around the clock coverage, rounding on patients daily. Specialists such as cardiologists and orthopedists, who have consulting privileges, are also available. For those patients requiring medical care and cardiac monitoring, we also offer the advanced service of telemetry with 24-hour monitoring.

Who Qualifies?

  • The majority of patients who have had a recent surgery of a general, orthopaedic nature, and many other procedures for which additional care is needed to improve strength and wellness
  • Patients who have been inpatients for three consecutive midnights
  • Patients needing long-term IV treatments, such as antibiotics and nutrition
  • Stroke patients needing rehabilitation services
  • Patients debilitated or deconditioned after a long hospital stay
  • Those with newly inserted feeding tubes qualify for a short stay in the skilled nursing facility, with a focus on patient/family education
  • Any patients needing physical, occupational, speech or respiratory therapy
  • Patients requiring telemetry monitoring

What Does Medicare Cover?

In order for Medicare to pay for the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) program, specific qualifying medical criteria must be met, which includes: daily physical, occupational and/or speech therapy, intravenous (IV) or nutritional therapy, specialized care for complex wounds that are not healing well, pain management and end-of-life care.

Following a hospital stay of at least three days, an individual must require either skilled nursing or skilled therapy services. Medicare will cover up to 20 days in full and up to 100 days with a co-payment as long as Medicare criteria are met. Medicare supplements will usually pay the deductible as long as Medicare continues coverage. Other medical insurance may cover a SNF program or a patient may pay with private funds.

Learn More About Our Skilled Nursing Facilities

Download our brochure to learn more about Skilled Nursing Facility at Ochsner St. Martin Hospital!

Download our brochure to learn more about Skilled Nursing Facility at Ochsner Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital!