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Lafayette, La – To improve comfort and communication between staff, patients and family while maintaining an environment of infection control, Lafayette General Health announced today that it has modified its visitor restrictions.
In the transition from Total Visitor Restriction to Phase I Visitor Limitation, each patient will be allowed one unique (i.e. unable to swap out), asymptomatic visitor for the duration of their stay in the Emergency Department, outpatient surgery and inpatient settings. ICU patients will be allowed one unique, asymptomatic visitor per patient only during visiting hours, which is determined by each facility.
Phase I of the exposure mitigation plan will restrict visitors in clinics or diagnostic areas unless they are essential in accompanying a pediatric or special needs patient. We will continue to restrict visitors for COVID-19 patients, except in end-of-life circumstances.
Patients will provide the name of their one essential visitor. Visitors must be screened for symptoms at facility entry/access points each day. If they are symptomatic, they will be turned away. All essential visitors will be required to wear masks throughout the building. To conserve supplies, we are encouraging visitors to bring a mask from home. If they do not have one, a mask will be issued.
Non-COVID Patient Types
Surgery patients - Patient identifies 1 asymptomatic visitor for duration of stay; may not apply to waiting areas due to social distancing limitations
ED patients - Patient identifies 1 asymptomatic visitor for duration of stay when patient is in room; does not apply to waiting areas due to social distancing limitations
Inpatients - Patient identifies 1 asymptomatic visitor for duration of stay
Labor/ Delivery/ Mother/ Baby - Patient identifies 1 asymptomatic visitor for duration of stay
Peds/ NICU - Patient allowed 2 asymptomatic visitors for duration of stay
ICU - Patient allowed 1 asymptomatic visitor during newly defined ICU visiting hours only; check times at each entity
Clinics/ Outpatients - 0 visitors allowed except pediatrics or those with a disability
COVID-19 Patients - Only at end of life circumstances as previously defined
Visitor must be 18 years or older, must remain in the patient’s room and not gather in common areas such as waiting rooms. Surgery visitors are encouraged to wait in social distance areas and not congregate in the waiting rooms. Visitor will be asked to return home if symptoms of respiratory infection (fever, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath) occur.
We continue to monitor the risk of COVID-19 closely and will adjust visitor restrictions as necessary. We appreciate your help in keeping our patients and employees safe.
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