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Inflatable walk-through colon returns to University Hospital & Clinics

By Lafayette General Health
February 29, 2016

The inflatable walk-through colon is returning to Lafayette. The colon exhibit is tailored to help educate Louisiana residents about colorectal cancer and available prevention and treatment options. The colon will be on display at University Hospitals & Clinics (UHC) on Tuesday, March 1, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The inflatable colon is on its second annual tour this March, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, raising awareness and education about the second highest cancer-related killer in the United States. Louisiana has a higher death rate from colorectal cancer than the United States as a whole. The inflatable exhibit is designed to help educate Louisiana residents about colorectal cancer and preventative screening. Learn about risk factors and symptoms at the exhibit.

This educational exhibit is made possible by the Louisiana Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (LCCCP), a CDC-funded program housed at the LSU School of Public Health. They recognize colon cancer as one of the six priority cancers in Louisiana that can be prevented or mitigated by lifestyle choices and/or screenings.

“Everyone age 50 and older needs to be screened for colorectal cancer,” says Laurence Vincent, UHC Chief Nursing Officer. “However, many people don’t understand the importance of screening. There are a number of screening options available, including colonoscopy, in-hospital screenings and at-home stool tests.”

Lafayette General Endoscopy Center (LGEC) is once again providing free home screening kits which test for the potential of colorectal cancer. The free kits are available at any of the 18 Acadiana Walgreens during the month of March. LGEC distributed 2,500 kits last year.