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Ochsner Lafayette General is committed to keeping our patients informed and in the know when it comes to COVID-19. Below is information about the virus, steps to take for prevention and how we’re prepared as a health system should the virus spread to our community.
What is COVID-19 and how does it spread?
COVID-19—an abbreviation which means coronavirus disease 2019—is a new strain of a respiratory disease called coronavirus. Similar to viruses like SARS and MERS, COVID-19 is suspected to have originated from an animal-to-person contact. This new strain has now progressed to community spread, which means people get infected without knowing how or where they became exposed.
What are the Symptoms?
Reported cases have ranged from mild to severe, and even death for some whose immune system was already compromised.
The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure:
• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of breath
What are Steps to Protect Myself?
There is no current vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. The following are simple steps you and your family can take to prevent illness.
What if I’m Sick?
If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, follow the steps below to help prevent exposure, and seek medical care. If you develop a fever or if symptoms progress from mild to severe, call ahead before visiting one of our facilities. This will help us prepare our public space for potential exposure.
Is Ochsner Lafayette General Prepared for COVID-19?
Ochsner Lafayette General has taken the following steps to ensure that we are as prepared as possible should COVID-19 make its way into Acadiana and within our health system. The goal at all facilities is to quickly identify a person at risk, then place that person in isolation and notify the appropriate personnel.
If a case is suspected or identified, we will implement all appropriate isolation and protective measures outlined by the CDC and follow their guidelines for hospital personnel and visitors. Additionally, we will immediately notify the proper parties, including the Louisiana State Epidemiologist, the Office of Public Health and the CDC.
We ask that everyone please continue to practice proper hygiene, which the CDC says will be the most important tools in our response to this virus.