This happens at least once per month, the last time just three weeks ago. A teenager comes into the Emergency Department complaining of abdominal pain, vomiting in the morning for a week or two; and by the way, has not had a…
Its happening a lot this time of year. Parents rush their kids into the Emergency Department- for fever. When I get to the bedside, mom is sick with worry. The child, however, is walking about the room, opening cabinets,…
Being a new mom is hard. Most moms will tell you that the first months of baby's new life were a blur of fatigue and misery. You are tired from child birth and then from waking up every three hours to feed baby. You are…
In this election time, there is lots of talk about the high cost of government-funded health care- for medicare (for the elderly), and medicaid (for children). Democrats and Republicans argue about the burden these programs place…
Some people just don't know what to say to babies and toddlers. I remember a moment from a TV show, where a young and hip man was left alone with a little kid, and was plainly uncomfortable. Desperately fishing for something…
We see a lot of depressed children and teenagers in the Emergency Department. Often it is because the child is suicidal. Either he or she has has attempted to kill himself, or has stated that he wants to. Depression often comes…
My mom loved to tell this story about school kids on a field trip. She ran our church's tutoring program for inner-city kids, providing fun and enrichment where their schools could not. She once brought the crew to a planetarium…
My wife grew up here in Lafayette, and has more than one story about teenage friends and acquaintances dying in boating accidents. With teenagers, of course there was alcohol involved. As a Pediatric Emergency Medicine doctor, I…