This week's guest columnist is Dr. Shalini Choudhary, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Growing up I attended an English-style boarding school in India, like Hogwarts in Harry…
Many days in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Lafayette General, I am joined by a Family Practice resident. Residents are apprentice doctors, graduated from medical school, who spend the first years after school in "…
On February 9, Acadiana's regional EMS Council had it's latest meeting, representing local ambulance services, Emergency Departments, and disaster coordinators. First we congratulated ourselves on providing tourniquet training to…
This week's guest columnists are Drs. Anna Malesky and Alicia Ortiz, Family Practice residents at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. It was our sixth shift in the Pediatric Emergency Department when we began to…
April 29th was a bad day in Lafayette. Around midnight at Festival Internationale, two people began arguing. Possibly fueled by alcohol, the fight escalated, someone pulled a gun, and one person ended up dead, and two injured by…
My son came home from college, shaking his head. His fellow millennials were lamenting that 2016 was the worst year ever: "David Bowie and Prince died!" My son's response: "Worst year ever? What about 1939?" Nazis starting World…
There's only about 4 weeks left of summer vacation here in Louisiana. Summer's been terrific, but now family vacation and your kid's camps are done. You've made some good memories, but now the kids are bored and have reverted to…
My three teens may not believe it, but I also once was a teen. And one night I was bombing down a snowy road in our old iron Jeep Cherokee, the radio blasting my rock station, not a care in the world. Then I topped a hill and…
One of my favorite movies is a 1991 comedy called Defending Your Life, starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep. The premise is when someone dies, before going to heaven he must defend his life in a trial with lawyers and judge.…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Eric Guilbeau, a family practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Emma comes home from school and tells her mom that her belly hurts and she doesn't feel good. …
This week's column is from Dr. Susila Shanmuganathan, a family practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Another runny nose? Don't they know this is an Emergency Department, and cold viruses…
A common reason for parents to bring their kids to the ED is belly pain. Doctor’s offices and “quick care” urgent care clinics also send us a lot of kids with belly pain. Everyone has the same basic concern- is it appendicitis…