In their third year of school, medical students begin to choose their specialties, rotating through each one - Internal Medicine, Surgery, OB/GYN, Psychiatry and Pediatrics. I have my third-year students read The Official MD…
Baby was starting to walk, holding on to furniture as he toddled around. This time he missed his grip on the coffee table and hit his mouth on it's edge. The cut on his gums bled an alarming amount, to the parents. After…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Alicia Ortiz, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Every case is different. Sometimes it's a puppy playing with a toddler, a lick-fest gone wrong…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Meighan Anderson, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. 8 year-old Ted finished his last baseball game of the season. To celebrate, mom and dad…
This week's guest columnists are Drs. Marc Fernandez and April Weliever, Family Practice residents at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. We see it all the time in the Emergency Department: the family cat bit…
It was 1990, my second year of residency. I was in Emergency seeing a boy with swollen left eyelids. I explained to his mom that he could have an infection that sometimes spreads into the eye socket, and the boy "might need a CT…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Blake McDonald, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. One night while I was on duty at the hospital, a surprise call came not from the wards, but…
One of last year's fun news stories was a 911 call from a man whose cat wouldn't let him in his house. After a three hour stand off, and after the police and 911 operator finished laughing themselves silly, an officer was…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Frank Betanski, a Family Practice resident at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. "OUCH!!" (ou-ch); exclamation; a four-letter word indicating urgency and anxiety when children get a…
In most of my blog entries, I discuss how to stay out of the Emergency Department. However, getting a deep cut that needs stitches is one of those times that it is probably best to bring your kid to the ED. Here are some good …