Early in human history, people saw that losing blood from battle or childbirth was life-threatening. In the 1600s doctors tried transfusing blood from donors. Sometimes it worked, but often patients had fatal reactions. Other…
The 15 year-old had what she thought were gas pains for the past several months. Then one day the pains became terrible, she came to the Emergency Department, and delivered a baby. Then the doctors and nurses had their usual…
Feeding babies manufactured formula in a bottle is a recent invention in human history. For hundreds of thousands of years, people fed their babies like every other mammal, with mother's milk. If mom or baby just couldn't make it…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Corey Gardner, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. "You can't beat me!" yelled Jacob, the ringleader of the third-grade boys who controlled the…
She really was in a fix. She spoke only spanish. She was a teenager alone in this country with only her father, and he was pretty mad right now. She was having belly pain and didn't understand why- until I broke it to them that…