Feeding babies manufactured formula in a bottle is a recent invention in human history. For hundreds of thousands of years, people fed their babies like every other mammal, with mother's milk. If mom or baby just couldn't make it…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Corey Gardner, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. "You can't beat me!" yelled Jacob, the ringleader of the third-grade boys who controlled the…
Hard to believe, Amy loves the Army. She's in boot camp, enjoying lots of exercise, full days, new jargon to learn, and she even likes the lectures on Army protocol. It's stressful to be sure; it's supposed to be tough. Some…
Dave was the quarterback for my college fraternity's football team. Though it was flag football, Dave got knocked down a lot, and several times hit his head on the ground. For days he would act confused, repeat questions over…
My father-in-law, Howard Fournet, grew up on a farm during the Great Depression. The farmhouse was on Johnston St. (a gravel road then) in Lafayette, where the Albertson's now stands. The University of Louisiana's athletic…
Ben grew up with asthma, but at 15 he seemed to have outgrown it. Then this fall he began to cough and feel tight. His mom took him to a quick-care, where he was prescribed an inhaler. A few weeks later he caught another cold…
Medical school applications require an essay and most pre-meds write about "why I want to be a doctor." All those missives begin to sound the same and can really bore the med school admissions committee. When I applied back in…
A high school friend of mine, Alice Flaherty, was a picky eater. Alice could only stomach a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. She went on to become a famous Harvard Neurologist and had a picky eater for a daughter. So…
In the movie Top Gun, Tom Cruise, playing hot-shot fighter pilot "Maverick," yells "I feel the need for speed!" He is of course talking about jets. In medicine, we are talking about stimulant use. Humans around the world…
We see a lot of depressed children and teenagers in the Emergency Department. Often it is because the child is suicidal. Either he or she has has attempted to kill himself, or has stated that he wants to. Depression often comes…
This past Thanksgiving I spent a day at one of my favorite havens- Boy Scout Camp. No TV, plenty of outdoor activity for the boys, and limited junk food. However, this past visit had its disappointments- many of the kids I…