I can still see my oldest daughter, 10 years-old then, with her forehead on the dinner table. She could not eat, her stomach hurt too bad. At that time she was having some school trouble, so my wife and I passed it off as…
We see a lot of depressed children and teenagers in the Emergency Department. Often it is because the child is suicidal. Either he or she has has attempted to kill himself, or has stated that he wants to. Depression often comes…
My mom loved to tell this story about school kids on a field trip. She ran our church's tutoring program for inner-city kids, providing fun and enrichment where their schools could not. She once brought the crew to a planetarium…
Occasionally I am surprised by some parent’s beliefs. There are a lot of “old wive’s tales” out there which I am used to: fever curdles milk in baby’s stomachs, fever will cook baby’s brain, blowing cigarette smoke in ears is…