In the movie Kindergarten Cop, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a detective who goes undercover as a school teacher. In one scene, as he's reading a children's book to his class, he rubs his head and moans. The kids ask what's wrong,…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Tasia Bradley, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette.
Remember "Show and Tell" from grade school? In fourth grade, I had a classmate bring in his pet…
Last week I saw yet another teenager with chest pain. He'd been lifting weights, and now his chest hurt, particularly when he moved his arms. Diagnosis: costochondritis, a common condition in kids where the ligaments of their…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Shalini Choudhary, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Growing up I attended an English-style boarding school in India, like Hogwarts in Harry…
In January 2019, 911 dispatcher Antonia Bundy answered a call from a 9 year-old boy. He said "Hi, um, I had a really bad day....," told her he had a "ton" of homework, and was stumped by a math problem involving fractions.…
This week's guest columnists are Drs. Chris Johnson and Traci Bourgeois, Family Practice residents at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. When I was three, a fun trip to my grandma's became a trip to the…
With the Pandemic, no one's wanted to be in tight spaces with others who might be shedding deadly Coronavirus. California's Disneyland has been closed because of that concern. Being squeezed into lines and rooms at Disney is…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Mai Vu, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. A 16 year-old boy came in with three days of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He didn't have anything…
This 16 year-old boy hurt his knee playing basketball, banging it into another player's knee. He was brought in limping by his mom. "Did you give him anything for pain?" I asked. "I gave him one of my prescription ibuprofens," mom…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Stephanie Barrow, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. A 16 year-old girl saw me in clinic after she'd told mom she was feeling down. Prior to the…
When my wife was in college, years before we met, Saturday mornings boys would knock on her door: "Make us a gumbo!" This was in Wyoming where gumbo was rare, and she and her roommate, also from Lafayette, were popular for their…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Hanh-My Tran, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. I recall one elderly patient I took care of in the ICU. He had COVID, which in turn caused…